Nature is Naturally Wonderful
The Freesia is a symbol of trust and friendship. Our aim is for trust to blossom with all our buyers who place their faith in us to build their dream home.
Feathers symbolise trust, freedom and wisdom. These are the ideals we value at Eupe.
Like the nests built by the Baya Weaver, our homes are carefully crafted using the best in innovation and natural design.
Tree rings form inside the trunk of trees, with each ring representing a year of the tree’s growth. The outer rings are the newest growth. The inner rings are smaller and represent the tree’s early growth.
Like an extremely rare Lotis Blue butterfly, we cherish all our stakeholders and make creating and sharing value with them our most important objective.
As a noun, a sprout is the new growth of a plan, and, as a verb, to sprout means to grow.
Green leaves depict hope, growth and the promise of renewal.
Rabbits keep invasive plants and other pests under control and help other plants and animals to thrive. They are very social creatures. Like cats, happy rabbits purr when they are content.
Also called the Peruvian lily, alstroemeria is a popular flower that represents strong bonds. At Eupe we believe success is based on building partnerships that benefit all.
Ants symbolise many virtues we value and nurture among Eupe’s team, including hard work, perseverance, and harmonious communication.
A bull is the symbol of a positive market. Bullish means buyers are investing their money with confidence.
Pigeons have uncanny homing abilities. Transported to an unfamiliar place, they are attached with messages, then naturally find their way back to their home so the recipient can read the message.